From: Jon C. Habermaas, Nov. 1997

Opus 1060 Uptown Theatre Chicago..purchased by Bea Lanknow and Bob Montgomery and was moved to Whiting Indiana for installation in the Hoosier Theatre...ownership evenually went solely to Montgomery and organ was broken up for parts.

From: Larry Chace, Oct. 1997

That organ, Wurlitzer opus #1060 (1925) was a 4/28, somewhat like a "real" style 285, except without an Echo Division and without a 32' Dipahone. (One PIPORG-L subscriber commented about having seen the chambers, well after the organ was removed, and having been shown an opening where a 32' Diaphone had extended up throug several levels. Other documents, though, seem to indicate that the 32' Diaphone was not installed -- perhaps it was deleted when the organ was built.) The organ served as a model for opus #1205, installed in Shea's Buffalo Theater (in Buffalo, NY), which _did_ include the 32' Diaphone.

The organ's 25" Tuba Mirabilis (from tenor C) and 15" Post Horn (from 8' C) were moved to the Chicago Theatre in the 1930s, augmenting the similar ranks in that "real" style 285 (again, without an Echo).

The organ was removed from the Uptown in 1963 and was apparently never really installed in the Hoosier, where another instrument (a 3m Barton?) was in use. The Uptown organ was then sold and broken up for parts. Its 16' Tibia Plena (on 25" wind in the bass) now rumbles at the Berkeley Community Theatre.

The Uptown Theatre closed after 1970 and remains closed to this day. Reports indicate that the interior is a terrible mess, much of the ornate plaster decoration having been "melted" by rain water leaking through the roof.

Uptown Theatre, Chicago, Illinois Wurlitzer, opus #1060, April 18, 1925

Main Chamber
16 - 4 Open Diapason 85p
8 Horn Diapason 61p
8 - 4 Viol d'Orchestra 73p
8 - 4 Viol Celeste 73p
8 Salicional 61p
16 - 2 Concert Flute 97p
8 - 4 Dulciana 73p
8 Krumet 61p
16 - 8 Clarinet 73p
16 - 8 Tuba Horn 73p
Orchestra Bells

Foundation Chamber
16 - 8 Diaphonic Diapason 73p
8 - 4 Harmonic Flute 73p
16 - 4 Tibia Plena 85p
8 - 4 Tibia Clausa #2 73p
8 Vox Humana #1 61p

Solo Chamber
8 - 4 Gamba 73p
8 - 4 Gamba Celeste 73p
16 - 8 Solo String 73p
8 Quintadena 61p
16 - 1-3/5 Tibia Clausa #1 97p
8 Kinura 61p
8 Vox Humana #2 61p
8 Oboe Horn 61p
8 Orchestral Oboe 61p
8 Trumpet 61p (brass)
8 Saxophone 61p (brass)
Master Marimba
Master Xylophone

Brass Chamber
16 - 8 English Horn 73p
16 - 4 Tuba Mirabilis 85p

Percusion Chamber
16 - 4 Piano
Sleigh Bells
Cathedral Chimes


This instrument originally cost $52,500. It was installed in this ornate auditorium seating 4,325.

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