From: Martin F. Stoner, Jan. 2000

Wurlitzer Opus 750, an all-original style D, was installed in the Organ Power Pizza. At that pizza parlor it was featured together with the Foort Moller that is now in the Pasadena Civic Auditonum, CA.

When the pizza parlor was closed in the late 1970s, Opus 750 was soon moved and installed in the Bonsall, CA home of Preston 'Sandy' Fleet, where its music welcomed people in the entry hall.

Sandy sold Opus 750 to me in 1981, afterwhich the organ went into storage until I had it installed in a new addition to my residence in Pomona CA in 1983. Opus 750 was accompanied by a replica Wurlitzer R player unit that Sandy Fleet had specially made for the organ by Fred Beeks (now living in Skagway, AL). Fred devised a special relay to (which he called the phantom third manual) to translate the R roll music, originally intended for 3-manual organs to play the 2-manual 6-rank D (Opus 750). Presently Opus 750 continues to play in our Pomona residence. It is still all-original and powered by the original theater blower--and on its original relay.

By the way, Opus 750 was featured in a mid-1920s large Wurlitzer pictorial sales brochure, showing the organ in its original installation in the Strand Theater in Delaware, OH.

Another note: The dedication concert for 750 at our home was played by Frank Loney who, some 40 years earlier, had been assistant organist at the Pomona Fox theater, and who later was the regular organist at the Waikiki Theater, Honolulu.

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