From: Bill Hausmann, Nov. 1997

The following is quoted from the jacket of the LP record "Nostalgia and Now" (Pipin' Records, 1168 Volz Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822):

"The Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ, on which this album was recorded, is a four manual, twenty rank instrument originally used during the silent movies. It is a composite of two organs: Opus 0683 trom the Strand Theater in Madison, Wisconsin and the Opus 0564 from the Tiffin Theater in Chicago, Illinois; and was later assembled into one instrument by Replica Records in Des Plaines, Illinois, to become one of the first theater pipe organs used in the early history of Hi-Fi recording. Robert and Cathryn Breuer acquired it in 1972 from a private party in Montreal, Canda, and transported it to its present "home" at Arden Pizza and Pipes, 2911 Arden Way, Sacramento, California -- where it now may be heard seven nights a week. Installation was by Sacramento's Sierra Chapter, American Theater Organ Society, under the direction of Dale Mendenhall. the organ, weighing in at 20,000 pounds, is maintained by Mendenhall and Ray Anderson.

"The solo chamber consists of nine ranks: oboe, English horn, tuba, tibia clausa, brass trumpet, brass saxophone, kinura, solo string, and orchestral oboe. Also inside the solo chamber are the glockenspiel and orchestral bells. The main chamber consists of eleven ranks: clarinet, viol, celeste, salicional, tibia minor, and quintendina. The percussions are installed on the walls outside the chambers. On the right wall are the "toy counter", chrysglott, sleighbells, and glockenspiel. On the left wall are the tuned doorbells, chimes, Chinese gong, xylophone, and harp. The piano and accordian are placed in front of the main chamber.

"The most recent addition to the instrument is a duplicate "toy counter" inside the solo chamber consisting of bass drum, tympani, snare drum, triangle, crash cymbal and tom tom. This enables the performer to play the organ in better balance when using these effects on softer passages."

I personally own five albums recorded on this organ, three by Emil Martin and two by Stu Boyer (Arttus Records). Also one 78 rpm single from the Replica Records era.

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